2018 - 2019 Calendar, Tuition & Fees
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Tuition Per Semester for Academic Year 2018-2019
Chinese classes(including AP class):
NCA Member: $180
Non-NCA Member: $200 (you may purchase NCA membership to receive the tuition discount, and other event discounts)
Art classes
NCA Member: $100
Non-NCA Member: $110 (you may purchase NCA membership to receive the tuition discount, and other event discounts)
Dance classes
NCA Member: $90
Non-NCA Member: $100 (you may purchase NCA membership to receive the tuition discount, and other event discounts)
English class (English as a Second Language) -中文学校英文班:
NCA Member: Free (NCA会员: 免费)
Non-NCA Member: $90 (you may purchase NCA membership to receive the tuition discount, and other event discounts) (非NCA会员:$90)
Chinese class for non-Chinese speaking adults -成人中文班:
NCA Member: Free (NCA会员: 免费)
Non-NCA Member: $90 (you may purchase NCA membership to receive the tuition discount, and other event discounts) (非NCA会员:$90)
Zumba class - 尊巴舞班
NCA Member: Free (NCA会员: 免费)
Non-NCA Member: $90 (you may purchase NCA membership to receive the tuition discount, and other event discounts) (非NCA会员:$90)
For families moving into the area in the middle of the semester, we will try out best to admit new students if there are available seats. Tuition for such students depends on how many classes have been missed, and will be collected as follows:
Missing 0 - 4 classes, full tuition amount
Missing 5 - 8 classes, 75% of full tuition amount
Missing more than 8 classes, 50% of full tuition amount
Tuition Payment
Tuition will be collected in the first two weeks of the semester from 2:00-4:00 on the second floor at NCA center. Check is preferred, cash is acceptable as well. Sorry, we don’t accept credit card payment. There will be a $5 late fee if the tuition is paid in the third week of the semester or a $10 late fee after after that. A refundable $30 volunteer deposit is required at the beginning of fall semester, or $15 for students newly enrolled in spring semester. More detail about the volunteer service can be found here.
You can register to any of the above classes here.
Tuition refund policy
Please inform the class room teacher at least one week before the withdraw day so that tuition refund can be processed. The refund will be calculated based on the actual date when the notification is received. The following is the amount of refund corresponding to classes taken before notice:
0-2 classes Full refund
3-4 classes 75% refund
5-8 classes 50% refund
>8 classes 0 refund
School Calendar
Class schedules:
Class meeting time for all Chinese classes is 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Class meeting time for Dance classes:
Class II (小班): 11:30am - 12:30pm
Class III (中班/大班): 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Class meeting time for Art classes:
Class II (大班): 11:30am - 12:30pm
Class I A/B (小班A/B): 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Fall 2018: Aug. 18 - Dec 15 Every Saturday (except the days specifically indicated as no school)
August 18: First day of school
September 1: No school, Labor Day weekend and 9/29
September 29: No school, Mid Autumn Festival celebration
November 24: No school, Thanksgiving
December 15: Last day of school
Spring 2019: January 5 - May 19 Every Saturday (except the days specifically indicated as no school)
January 5: First day of class
February 9: No school, Chinese New Year Celebration
March 16: No school, spring break
May 18: Last day of school
Location: Nabraska Chinese Center (8206 Blondo St., Omaha, NE 68134)