Chinese School has a volunteer component to ensure that our students have a productive, efficient, and inspired learning experience. Your support as a volunteer is vital to create a successful environment for our students. Volunteering with the Chinese School helps parents and their kids connect to the program on a more personal level. Through volunteering you will get to know the Chinese School staff, teachers, parents and students. You will get to know our strengths, benefits, and growth areas. Your support as a volunteer also lets your students know how much you value their learning. With the help of volunteers we are trying to keep our operating costs lower. Volunteer opportunities range from weekly parents on duty, monthly cleaning, to supporting school activities. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available that match your interests and schedule.
Volunteer Requirement: We ask student parents to volunteer in school related activities at least once for each student each semester. We also welcome highschool students to volunteer. For families who choose not to volunteer, an alternative to volunteering is to make a donation of $30 per semester per student in each family. Therefore, the Chinese School will collect from each family a check of $30 at the beginning of fall of each term, the check will be destroyed or returned to the family at the end of spring semester if the family has volunteered at least once each semester per student; or otherwise the check will not be returned and will be deposited if the family chooses money donation to replace volunteer service. Volunteer opportunities range from weekly parents on duty, monthly cleaning, to supporting school activities. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available that match your interests and schedule. School staff member may contact you and ask you to help with a special project as well.
Volunteer sign up/志愿者报名: Please click this link (请按此链接报名) (the link will be updated at the beginning of each semester), and then select the volunteer job you like to do and make sure you also provide your kid(s) name(s). Sign up for at least two volunteer assignments per year (there will be other volunteer opportunities besides these regular school day assistance, the volunteer link will be updated before extra events). If none of the assignments fit your schedule, or all spaces become filled, contact school and we will try to make arrangements for you to volunteer at some other time or in some other way.
Please also note that your volunteer service hours are also qualified and can be counted towards for the "President's Volunteer Service Award". More detail can be found here.
We are very thankful for the supports from the parents.
Note: School may contact you and ask you to use your professional skills to help out with special projects. If you have a certain skill or knowledge base that you think would be helpful for a special project, please contact us.