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News & Events

Teachers Needed


Due to growing demand for learning Mandarin in our area, we are always in need for teachers.  If you or anyone you know is interested in making a difference in our Chinese community, we would like to talk to you.  


To learn more about being a OCCA Chinese School teacher, click here to send us an email!  



Campfire 2014

Our first campfire at Vala's Pumpkin Patch!  We had a great turnout! There was a lot of food, games, and of course not fogetting the all time favorite - making smores by the fire!


Thank you for those who came and enjoyed the evening with us.  Also, a big thank you to all the volunteers who helped made this event a huge success!


To browse the campfire photo slideshow, click on the image on the left or the arrow on the sides of the image.

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